Search engines for finding evidence-based online mental health resources

Head to Health- Australian digital mental health and wellbeing resources

Beacon- Find self-help for mental and physical health

THERAPIST ASSISTED Online mental health clinics

There are a range of high-quality online programs to assist with common emotional problems like depression, anxiety etc. The online clinics listed below have evidence-based programs and and provide weekly contact with a support person who will help guide you through the program. 

Mind Spot Clinic

This Way Up  

Online mental health self-help programs

There are a range of free self-help online programs to assist with common emotional problems like depression, anxiety, relationships breakdown, loss & grief etc. The online clinics below have evidence-based programs self-help programs. 

My Digital Health 

Mood Gym


Mental Health Online

On Track

Cancer-specific resources

Cancer Council NSW: Emotions and cancer

Cancer Council NSW: Living well after cancer

Cancer Council NSW: Fear of the cancer coming back

Cancer Council NSW: Sexuality and intimacy

Diabetes-specific resources

Diabetes Australia: Living with Diabetes

On Track: Diabetes- Free educational program about emotions and diabetes that supports people living with Type 2 diabetes. 

Health Anxiety 

This Way Up: Health Anxiety Program

Self Help Resource for Health Anxiety

Mindfulness Resources

This Way Up: Free introduction to mindfulness program

The Mindfulness Solution: Downloadable mindfulness practices for a range of everyday problems

Tara Brach: A range of guided meditations by psychologist and mindfulness teacher Tara Brach

Mindfulness practice for pain management

8 week mindfulness program: guided meditations


Some people like to have a visual to help guide their practice the following free apps provide a visual aid to your practice:


Breath Ball


Self-compassion excercises and meditations

Compassionate Mind Foundation Excercises